Re-thinking Hotel Sourcing for your events – “It has never been a better time for change.”
By Frank Di Rocco, Regional Director, Meeting Encore and Fuel Sports
You have always done it this way! Like many organizations you have always sourced and negotiated and contracted your hotels for your events. Sourcing for your event and accommodation requirements may appear to be as simple as calling the nearby hotels to your preferred venue and securing a block for your athletes, officials, and attendees. Well, it’s time to re-think this process as it can get complicated…” The devil is in the details.”
The year of change!
2020 will certainly be a year that will go down in history. It has brought the world to a halt and brought upon change that is like no other in our lifetime. Like it or not, we are all experiencing a fundamental change on how we carry on with our daily lives, routine interactions and business.
Meetings, conferences and of course sporting events have been hardest hit during the current COVID-19 Pandemic, resulting in the cancellations and postponements of all large gatherings. Hotel contracts that were signed months and even years ago are now being pulled off the shelf to be re-read and re-evaluated to understand liabilities and risk if the event does not materialize. I have been the recipient of many calls from both clients and non-clients to consult and review through Hotel contracts. Some agreements are great and others not so and it is amazing to see what is often overlooked.
With the imposed restrictions on gathering and looming uncertainties on whether your event can safely take place, there has never been a more important time to revisit your future hotel contracts to understand contract language, nuances, terms and conditions.
Let us be “FRANK” this is unchartered territory and the evolution of Hotel contracts will continue its journey.
What have I/we have learned?
- These unprecedented times have given each and everyone one of us the opportunity to take a step back and re-evaluate priorities, processes, and efficiencies.
- What was done in the past will not necessarily work in the future.
- Have some understanding and be flexible….response times from hotels are delayed as sales team continue to be furloughed and everyone still working at hotels are working multiple positions and very long hours.
- Organizations will need a layer of protection and surround themselves with experts and focus on their core business.
- Stay curious, ask questions, find the gaps.
- Efficient process and bid strategy will improve your events ROI.
- Relationships are “KING”. Leverage your resources and relationships and they will take you further. Surround yourself with experts and get help!